Thursday, March 12, 2009

Night Watch

I'm out of canvas. You get canvasboard until my Blick's order gets in. This is a small 5" x 7" I painted today to express an idea. It would have been on canvas except for the earlier explanation. I'm trying to get as many painted as possible before my next block hits, which happens about once a year and lasts however long it lasts...


Suzanne Casamento said...

Ooo. I really like this one. The colors are great and it has a whimsical fantasy kind of feel to it. Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks!!! It was one of those where I woke up with the idea and had to paint it before it wished away...

Anonymous said...

You are on a crazy painting spell! Keep drinking the kool-aid!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I should be finishing another one today - I'll post it when it's finished.